Dare We Peek into the Future?

Recently, I received a phone call from an old client I had not heard from for several years. He called to ask if I had given any thought to making a new list of predictions about the future. He had just re-read my 1993 book entitled Dancing with Dinosaurs and was impressed that the […]

Empowered Passions

. . . in a New Language

A new language emerges out of the ashes of modernism. It is decidedly the language of metaphor, and it will definitely ride a wave of emotion.

This new language will involve all forms of communication in a sensory, emotional multimedia more real than reality itself. Like all arts, rituals, […]

Rise & Fall of the Nones: Culture Shift (Again)

In a recent revelation by Lifeway Research, the narrative surrounding the religiously unaffiliated, or “nones,” in America is undergoing a significant shift. For decades, the steady climb of individuals identifying with no religious affiliation has painted a concerning picture for faith communities across the nation. However, the latest findings suggest this trend may be […]

How Effective Is Your Church’s Website?

The number is climbing, but here’s the most commonly reported stat: at least 85 percent of first-time church guests visit a congregation’s website before they make their initial visit. For some of you, this should be a terrifying thought. Recently, I’ve visited church websites that are still advertising Easter Sunrise Services, introducing their new […]

62 Ways to Connect with the Unchurched

In order to connect with the unchurched you have to have three ingredients: a knowledge of God’s word, a good relationship with unchurched people, and the ability to make the leap from a world of organized faith to a world of searching faith.  Most clergy and some laity have the first ingredient. However, very few clergy […]

Invite a Friend this Easter

“82 percent of the unchurched are at least “some what likely” to attend church if they are invited. Perhaps we need to pause on this response. Perhaps we need to restate it: More than eight out of ten of the unchurched said they would come to church if they were invited. If you take […]

Reveal Study

A lot of conversations and misunderstandings have arisen as a result of the Reveal study done by Willow Creek.  Because the study can be so helpful I thought I would set the record straight.No, Willow is not abandoning its long standing concern for the seeker.  No, Willow has not been a failure. No, Willow […]

Benefits of Long Tenure

Benefits of Long Term Tenures
Bill Easum

I’ve been reading a book title “The Longview” by Parrott. When I picked it up I wasn’t sure I would read it. But then the first chapter caught my attention – “Lead as if you’ll be there forever.” Folks, this is one of the most important sentences a protestant […]

What Small Groups Can Learn from the House Church Movement

If nominations were solicited for a single word that best described the North American house church and home fellowship movement, “potential” might be the one in the sealed envelope. David Garrison who has studied global church planting movements suggests that house church planting is one of the key factors for the growth of global […]