WWJND? What Would Jesus Not Do? (Part 1)

In 1988, inspired by the central theme in Charles Sheldon’s classic Christian novel “In His Steps”, Dan Seaborn, the youth pastor at Central Wesleyan Church in Holland, Michigan, designed bracelets for his youth group promoting the question proposed often in the Sheldon novel; What Would Jesus Do? Seaborn abbreviated it to just four letters, […]

Study: It’s Not Teacher, but Method that Matters

Below is an article that should be speaking volumes into every pastor’s heart and mind who is committed to sharing the Gospel in ways that can be heard and make sense. The day of the “sermon” as we know it is dead … or at least should be. -BTB

Published: May 12, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – Who’s […]

Before You Start: Does the Church Have What It Takes?

Truth is, most of these kinds of articles start with a couple of Rah Rahs! to help get your motivation up about revitalization. If you need a shot of Atta Boys first, then go read some other article and then, perhaps, when you’re adequately positive-minded, then come back and start this article.

Because I’m probably […]

The New Testament Model of Stewardship of Money

The New Testament (NT) model of stewardship is tied not to money but to how people live out their lives.  This article just takes one part of stewardship – money.

The New Testament model of stewardship of money is based not on what you give but on what you keep.  Pledging to a budget is […]

Sermon Prep When Time Is Limited

One of the recommendations we make to pastors with churches under 200 is this: learn to do sermon and worship prep in less than two hours each week so you can spend the vast majority of your time reaching people for Jesus Christ.

It’s not a popular recommendation. Homiletics professors faint. Long-time pastors just shake their […]

Church and Culture

For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor. If I fail, ask Bill for a refund.

Second, I want to have some fun. You may not appreciate my humor because […]

No One Left Behind

I was watching one of “those” movies the other day. In this case, the space ships were flying and the ground troops were storming the asteroid. Suddenly reinforcements for the axis of evil show up and the good guys have to regroup and retreat to fight another day. Except one of the ground troops […]

40 Ways to Increase Your Easter Attendance

40 days is a significant time period in the Bible.  In the Old Testament, when God destroyed the earth with water, He caused it to rain 40 days and 40 nights. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights receiving the 10 Commandments.  In the New Testament, Jesus was tempted for […]

Backyard Missionaries

When most people hear the word “missionary” they think of someone going off to a foreign country. That used to the case. But no more. Today, in the U.S., we are called to be “back yard missionaries” to our networks.

Today, only 30 percent of the missionaries being sent out in the world are from the […]