Example One:
The Mission
To love the people of Cincinnati into relationship with Jesus Christ and give away to the world what God has given us.
The Vision
Imagine a ragtag collection of surrendered and transformed people who love God and others. They are mesmerized by the idea that this is not about them, but all about Jesus. They are transfixed by His story and His heart for their city. They are seedthrowers and firestarters, hope peddlers and grace-givers, risktakers and dreamers, young and old. They link arms with anyone who tells the story of Jesus. They empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast, seek the lost. They serve together, play together, worship together, live life together. Their city will change because God sent them.
They are us.
We believe that small things done with great love will change the world.
We Will Be:
- A diverse, celebratory church of missional, disciple-making communities in every neighborhood.
- A relational citywide network strategized on reaching Greater Cincinnati.
- Reproducers and developers of outward-focused churches worldwide.
Example Two:
Mission statement:
“We exist to welcome people to faith; equip people with a faith that works in real life; and send us in service into the world in Jesus’ name.”
If you decide to work on a Mission Statement see Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, (Currency). p. 312-328.
Vision statement:
“We are a vibrant Christian Church which exists to give glory to God in Jesus Christ. We see ourselves as a center for Christian renewal in the lives of individuals, families and congregations.
We are committed to
- Worship as a dynamic experience of the presence of God through Word, Sacrament, Music and Christian community;
- Welcome as an invitation to everyone to meet Jesus Christ no matter where they are on their spiritual journey of life;
- Empowerment as enabling individuals, couples and families to discover the power of the Holy Spirit through faith active in real life; and
- Growth as the opportunity to increase each person’s confidence and joy in Jesus Christ through prayer, Bible study and through active service in our church, community and world.”
- A vision statement is longer and more narrow in scope.
Value statement:
“Our values are:
1. Faith in Jesus Christ;
2.Passion for the Gospel;
3. Respect for all people;
4. Kindness;
5. Honesty;
6. Spiritual Growth;
7. Worship as a privilege and power of meeting God with other believers.
8. Community.”
Example Three:
Mission Statement
We are called to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Vision Statement
We believe God has called us to reach the unchurched of our city by providing caring structures for families, providing diversity in worship, providing small caring groups, and knowledge of spiritual gifts.
Value Statement
- We are committed to equipping Christians through Biblical preaching and God’s word.
- We are committed to reliance on prayer for direction, conception, planning and execution of the ministries and activities of this church.
- We are committed to small group ministry because it is where most individual transformation, conversion, and leadership development takes place.
- We are committed to helping people discover their spiritual gifts that they might use them in the building up of the Body of Christ, the church.
- We are committed to the ministries of this church being carried out by non-ordained servants. This will be accomplished through training opportunities and through practices that encourage lay initiative, leadership responsibility and authority in various ministries in the church.
- We are committed to all people, just as they are, without regard to race, gender, age, lifestyle, or whatever. We value diversity.
- We are committed to receiving direction from the Holy Spirit that enables creativity and innovation. We are more concerned with effectiveness in ministry than with adherence to tradition or efficiency.
- We are committed to maintaining a high standard of excellence in all of ministries. This will be achieved when every person is exercising his or her God-given spiritual gifts to the best of his or her ability.
- We believe that life is meant to be given away and that Christianity exists to share Christ with others. We will develop aptitudes that encourage numerical growth without compromising in any way our integrity or our commitment to Biblical truth.
Example Four:
The Church exists that all people may:
- KNOW the love of God in Jesus Christ
- GROW as disciples of Jesus Christ
- GO share the love of God in Jesus Christ
The top reason churches can’t reach their mission and vision is because of distractions that get in the way.
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Thank you so much for your resources
Excellent piece! Much helpful Pastor.
Blessings Sir!!
Thank you for the excellent resources and help, it is greatly appreciated. Blessings.