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July 13, 2013 1 Comment

I was living in eastern Washington when Mount St. Helens blew megatons of rock, dirt, and ash into the sky back in 1980. For more than two days we watched the ash fall and

July 6, 2013 0 Comments

The U.S. is full of clergy who go from day to day with no plan for how to make their world a better place. They do what others want them to do as if

July 6, 2013 1 Comment

Way back in the world of Christendom, discipleship was presumed to be a part of what the church did. Back then, most church members had been raised in the church and they would bring

July 1, 2013 0 Comments

Over 50,000 people committed suicide last year. Over 100,000 people this past year typed into Google "I want to die.” Suicide and looking for a reason not to blow their brains are both

June 26, 2013 0 Comments

One of the biggest complaints we hear from committee chairs is that their committee members don’t come to the scheduled meetings. When we hear that, we almost always know that the primary issue

June 24, 2013 0 Comments

One of the major problems pastors have is either the inability or lack of desire to focus on what’s important. Case in point. Yesterday, a pastor of a 150-member church told me he