From our Advanced Leadership Forum While studying sociology years ago, I remember studying the difference between power and authority. My shorthand distinction between the two would be that power is about having the
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From our Advanced Leadership Forum While studying sociology years ago, I remember studying the difference between power and authority. My shorthand distinction between the two would be that power is about having the
There are all kinds of understandings about the attacks by members -- especially those who proclaim themselves to be spiritually advanced, actively involved, long-term members, big givers, etc., etc.-- that I know rationally
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s – or the faith's – reputation.
For some reason, I made it to the airport without my requisite yellow pad of paper. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just read and write on my iPad." Oops ... not until I
For years now church gurus have talked about the seating capacity of a building. You know, if your main worship service is 80% full you need another worship service. Well, even though that's
This is an excerpt from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth. One of the serious shortcomings of most centers of higher learning is that they educate the head but fail to train