Preaching with Integrity Kenton C. Anderson (Grand Rapids, MI, Kregel Publications, 2003), 144 pages, paperback, $10.99. (Obtain from Kregel, Inc., PO Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.) Even you do not like fiction, you
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Preaching with Integrity Kenton C. Anderson (Grand Rapids, MI, Kregel Publications, 2003), 144 pages, paperback, $10.99. (Obtain from Kregel, Inc., PO Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.) Even you do not like fiction, you
Rethink your personal spiritual habits. Spiritual disciplines are always evolving because God is always speaking in new ways. Keep your life and ministry fresh by taking time to ponder new ways to make
Focus the shortlist of people with whom you will step up mentoring in the next year. Prayerfully review your membership list (or better, if you keep records, the names of regular worship participants).