GPS Worship for the 21st Century Convergence 2004 - Global Positioning for the Soul By: Bill Easum The metaphors of National Park and Jungle lay an excellent foundation for how effective congregations
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
GPS Worship for the 21st Century Convergence 2004 - Global Positioning for the Soul By: Bill Easum The metaphors of National Park and Jungle lay an excellent foundation for how effective congregations
Desire for God: Journal for Life in the Eternal Convergence 2004 - Global Positioning for the Soul By: Tom Bandy The spiritually yearning, institutionally alienated public is still the fastest growing demographic
The Making of an Authentic and Effective Leader Convergence 2004 - Global Positioning for the Soul By: Bill Easum My studies have shown that almost all authentic and effective leadership are the
It is not unusual for congregations to have multiple activities on Sunday morning. When they do, it is good to consider the following givens. One, adding a second Sunday School is very difficult
Staffing an equipping church is one of the most important issues faced by a lead pastor. To fail here, is to fail everywhere. So, let’s look at a few of key ingredients of
For some time now I have been encouraging leaders to follow their gut or their instinct when faced with a decision. Some seem to understand; others want more data. So let me say