Workplace Ministry Ministry in Daily Life: A Practical Guide for Congregations, William E Diehl By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw “The church says it gathers people for worship, study, and fellowship presumably so that
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Workplace Ministry Ministry in Daily Life: A Practical Guide for Congregations, William E Diehl By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw “The church says it gathers people for worship, study, and fellowship presumably so that
Workplace Ministry Ministry in Daily Life: A Practical Guide for Congregations, William E Diehl By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw “The church says it gathers people for worship, study, and fellowship presumably so that
Too Much Time in Meetings?By: John Laster It is not unusual to find Leadership Teams who eat up hours every month in meetings. Some teams even meet weekly, sometimes for several hours each
Power of Metaphor Convergence 2004: Global Positioning for the Soul By: Spencer Burke This article is a continuation from last week’s column. In the book I also rely heavily on metaphor. My
Looking for Answers in an Ask-Assertive World Convergence 2004 : Global Positioning for the Soul By: Spencer Burke Show and tell isn't big in the emerging church. Do you know why? Because
Vision Discernment Convergence 2004 - Global Positioning for the Soul By: Tom Bandy This all day workshop is designed to train your congregational team in the principles and tactics that build clarity