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September 14, 2023 0 Comments

Want to change your church culture? Trust me, it's a marathon, not a sprint.  Hey folks, it's Bill. Changing culture is tough, but it's the most rewarding journey you'll ever embark on. It

September 13, 2023 0 Comments

You've heard it before: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." But what does it mean? Hey everyone, Bill here. It means you can have the best plans in the world, but if your culture

September 12, 2023 0 Comments

What's the one thing that can make or break your church? It's not what you think!   Hey, it's Bill Tenny-Brittian. You might think it's all about the programs or the preaching, but the

September 11, 2023 0 Comments

Ever walk into a place and think, "I belong here"? That's not by accident; it's by design.   Hey folks, Bill here. Today, let's talk about the secret sauce that makes some churches irresistible—culture.

August 29, 2023 3 Comments

When inspired, your congregation can accomplish impressive fundraising goals. However, passing the collection plate may not be enough to collect the funding that keeps your church programs and outreach running. In fact, recent

August 8, 2023 1 Comment

Your church’s number one priority is likely furthering its mission, and for good reason. Between creating space for worship, fostering discipleship, serving the community, and keeping your congregation engaged, there are many efforts