Over the weekend I posted the essentials for breaking the 200 in worship growth barrier. Today, I'm listing the essentials for breaking the 500 barrier. Keep in mind that these barrier numbers are just
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Over the weekend I posted the essentials for breaking the 200 in worship growth barrier. Today, I'm listing the essentials for breaking the 500 barrier. Keep in mind that these barrier numbers are just
Over the next few days, I will be blogging on the essentials to breaking the following worship barriers – 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 people in worship. Today I will begin by listing the
This came to me today from one of the churches I coached. I thought you might enjoy it. This is what I mean by "Neighborhood Missionaries." The Church Has Left The Building…We’ve Gone
Most of you know I've been absent most of July since my wife had a stroke. But I'm slowly getting back into life and ministry. This post is twofold: an update on Jan and
I'm sure you've heard the twin adages "Stop beating a dead horse" and "If you find yourself riding a dead horse, dismount." But what if that "dead horse" is your local church? What
All of us know that 80% of the churches in the U.S. are either in decline or on a plateau, with the congregation getting older each year. This trend has been going on