There is so much misunderstanding about small groups. Some think they are the way to grow the church – but usually they aren't. Instead they help retain and grow people. Some think they
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
There is so much misunderstanding about small groups. Some think they are the way to grow the church – but usually they aren't. Instead they help retain and grow people. Some think they
I've been asked this question twice in my life. The first was about the murder of President John Kennedy. I was in Cranfils Gap, Texas, where I was the pastor of the Baptist
[featured-img] It always amazes me how much talk a church can do and still accomplish nothing. Sure, sometimes the discussion gets to yes, but far too often the NO comes about because too
My coaching experiences have taught me that 80% of what ineffective pastors do is a waste of their time and the sad thing is most of the pastors I’ve coached agree with this
So far we've looked at the essentials for breaking three barriers: 200, 500, and 1,000 in worship. We've learned that each barrier builds on the essentials of the previous two barriers. Any one
We've looked at how to break the barriers of 200 and 500 in worship; now it's time to examine how to push through the 1,000 barrier. Keep in mind that each barrier builds