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June 13, 2009 0 Comments

Search Institute, 700 South Third St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. Phone (800)888-7828. Write for their catalog. Their quarterly newsletter is called SOURCE and is worth ordering. Search Institute. Phone (800)888-7828. "The Troubled Journey: Full Report," Peter

June 13, 2009 0 Comments

If you're looking for a full-time worship leader, which is the number one hire after the lead pastor, there is a head hunting group that specializes in this area. Find them at www.slingshotgroup.net

June 12, 2009 0 Comments

Yesterday Social Security recipients learned that for the first time in history Social Security recipients will not be getting a cost of living wage increase (COLA).  Well, that sucks. And if that was not enough in the

June 5, 2009 0 Comments

In my latest book, Doing Ministry in Hard Times, I included a chapter on Living in a Wildcard world.  I grew up in a wild card world where the probabilities far outweighed the

June 3, 2009 0 Comments

In difficult times, churches have a tendency to clap shut their shutters, hide their money under mattresses, and delay anything that might be innovative and new - especially if it costs more than

May 31, 2009 0 Comments

This morning was Pentecost Sunday. As I was setting in worship at a church Im consulting with  the pastor read from Acts 2:1-21. Man, that's some text. I found myself saying "Are these people ready to hear this text?