I just returned from a church growth training event at a local church where we reviewed and evaluated their vision. Their vision statement was a bit wordy, but overall it got high marks.
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I just returned from a church growth training event at a local church where we reviewed and evaluated their vision. Their vision statement was a bit wordy, but overall it got high marks.
The fact is, most church newsletters do little to nothing to help grow a church... in fact, many church newsletters we've reviewed may be a part of the reason why a church isn't
I received this private email some time ago. I received permission to reprint it here, after making some modifications to protect the identity of the writer. I have come to the realization that
One of top questions we’ve heard during the Only Four Things Grow Churches tour has to do with the allocation of the pastor’s time. When we suggest that a pastor leading a church
Here's a mind bender for you. Below is a simple scenario. Put your church consultant hat on and contemplate – what would you do? Four mornings each week, he sat in his office doing Facebook
Too many churches don't have an information center – and the ones that do seem to tuck it away against the back wall in some out-of-the-way corner. A well run information center is worth its