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July 18, 2019 0 Comments

Almost every church leader I've met tells me they want to grow their churches. Be careful what you ask for. A growing church brings problems. LOTS of problems. To be honest, a growing

July 16, 2019 0 Comments

It happened again. I was visiting a church on a recent Sunday morning and apparently parked in the "wrong" parking lot. You know the one, it looks like it's near the main entrance,

July 11, 2019 0 Comments

There's an old axiom that goes something like: Those without a destination are doomed to never arrive. As I was pondering that the other day, a corollary to the axiom came to mind.

July 9, 2019 0 Comments

Let me start out with a thought ... if you're using screen technology, a worship bulletin is a colossal waste of resources. Why do you need a bulletin to follow the Responsive Reading?

July 4, 2019 0 Comments

Carol joined the church a month ago. She'd been attending worship for several weeks and liked what she heard and what she experienced. She'd even made a new friend or two. Joining the

July 2, 2019 3 Comments

One of those ten commandments is about thievery. The Bible generally frowns on stealing stuff from others. Although neither Israel nor Christians ever condoned cutting off a thieve's hand as punishment, there were