I wandered back into my church office the other day. I hadn't been there in a month. As I sat in my office chair I glanced over at my Snoopy Calendar Cubes. It
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I wandered back into my church office the other day. I hadn't been there in a month. As I sat in my office chair I glanced over at my Snoopy Calendar Cubes. It
If you've attended (or are attending) the Summer 2020 Worship Summit Live event, you can grab the PowerPoint worksheet PDF here.
The other day I received a note about the church's response to the current injustices. The writer shared how he was organizing his church to publicly question police tactics, to be actively involved
From the May-June Issue of Net Results Magazine By Bil Cornelius When word came down from state and local authorities banning public gatherings of ten or more people, the church needed to spring
Jesus has left the building … the Body of Christ has been thrust out of it's structures and many church leaders were unprepared for the transition from Y'all Come to … trying to
Although the nation isn't quite shut down during this national health crisis, it looks like it's slowly grinding to a near-halt. So far, churches still seem to have a choice about meeting live