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The Daily Catalyst

Pastoring in the Church Today: We Need More Church Leaders!

Word Count: 458 – Est Read Time: 2 Minutes

What’s Up? A Lifeway survey revealed that the #1 concern of U.S. pastors’ is the need for more church leaders to step up. 

So What? The North American church is in a state of crisis, with the majority of congregations in decline. To reverse the trend, we need leaders – AKA Pastors! – who will guide churches into a sustainable, disciple-making future rather than pastors who primarily maintain the status quo.

The Point Is …

  • Status Quo Is Killing the Church. Between 66% and 85% of churches in North America are in decline. Let’s face it, the status quo isn’t working. Leaders must take their congregations where they wouldn’t naturally go—toward a vibrant, mission-focused future.
  • Leadership Drives the Mission. The Great Commission isn’t optional. Leaders must prioritize making disciples and, more importantly, equipping their churches to do the same.

  • Change Requires Courage. Moving a congregation out of its comfort zone is tough. It takes bold, mission-driven leadership to steer the church away from complacency and toward impactful ministry. And that probably means whacking the hornet’s nest of conflict.

And … ? Let’s be clear: this isn’t an argument against pastoring. The church needs compassionate, spiritually attuned pastors. But if we look at the state of churches across North America, it’s evident that many (most?!) pastors have settled into maintaining their congregations rather than leading them into a sustainable future.

Think about it: an organization doesn’t need a leader to maintain the status quo. Members will drift there naturally. Leadership is necessary to take the church where it needs to go—which is another way of saying leading the church where it doesn’t necessarily want to go. Why? Because growth, both spiritual and numerical, is uncomfortable. And yet, isn’t that the core of the church’s mission—to step beyond comfort, to make disciples, and to expand God’s Kingdom?

Depending on whose numbers you trust, up to 85% of churches are in decline. That statistic is a stark reminder that the North American church has largely abandoned its mission. It’s not just a lack of laity stepping up into leadership; it’s also pastors failing to embrace their role as leaders. Shepherds lead their flocks to new pastures. They don’t settle where it’s safe and familiar.

The truth is, we need pastors to lead like never before. It’s time for clergy to set aside fears of rocking the boat and start steering the ship toward disciple-making and mission-focused ministry. The stakes have never been higher, and the need has never been greater.

Action! Take the first step toward leadership transformation by assessing your church’s disciple-making effectiveness. Click here to access the free “5-Essential Tasks of the Lead Pastor” and start leading your church toward its God-given mission.