Beyond the Box Leadership;

by Bill Easum

“You have heard it said . . . , but I say . . . ”
–Jesus of Nazareth

You have heard it said, “Think outside of the box!” But instead, I ask you to consider this: “It’s time to see beyond the box.”

At a time when many churches are just beginning to try to think […]

Why Do You Charge to Help Grow Churches?

Every so often, I get a letter from some irate church member who demands to know why The Effective Church Group charges for our services. This morning, I got this note from a Church Elder in North Carolina who responded to a Facebook ad we ran for the Get More Visitors Checklist (a free […]

The Futurist


As digital media become the dominant means of communication, they will usher in a new paradigm, transforming how we think, behave, relate, and create. A business consultant and communications theorist offers a method for understanding the changes we will face—and for better managing those changes.

By M. Rex Miller

The Digital Dynamic

How Communications Media

Shape Our World


Marshall […]

In Growing Churches, Plan B is Plan A

The countdown ticked down the seconds on the screens as they waited for the opening chords of the worship band. The worship center was typically semi-crowded as the early birds and the on timers drifted in, glancing at the countdown … weighing up if they had time to go grab a coffee. They waited […]

Reaching Out to the Native Community

The drum was so loud that I was sure it could be heard several blocks over at a neighboring church.  We are an old, established downtown church.  The elders of my church were dancing the round dance around the pews in the sanctuary.  Furthermore, everyone was thoroughly engaged in the happenings this Sunday morning. […]

Missions to Native Americans

The drum was so loud that I was sure it could be heard several blocks over at a neighboring church.  We are an old, established downtown church.  The elders of my church were dancing the round dance around the pews in the sanctuary.  Furthermore, everyone was thoroughly engaged in the happenings this Sunday morning. […]

Apostolic Movements: Emerging Worship

Emerging Worship: Musings On A Much-Altered Landscape
by Sally Morgenthaler
Worship leader Kirk McPherson has had a tough week.  It’s Friday, 5:30
p.m., and things are only barely coming together for Sunday morning.
If it wasn’t one staff problem, it was another.  He wonders what he
might be able to pull out of his hat by Saturday night.   Hmmm – there
are […]

Why Today’s Churches Fail at Leadership Selection

Imagine stepping into a time machine and landing in the middle of one of the early church’s most pressing conflicts—a food pantry crisis that’s causing a rift within the congregation. This isn’t just any disagreement; it’s a pivotal moment that challenges the very fabric of church leadership and decision-making. This week, I want us […]

Planned Giving for Churches: Crash Course and First Steps

Planned giving—you’ve likely heard of it before, but if you’re like many church leaders, administrators, and fundraisers, you haven’t considered trying it out yet.

This is a transformational church fundraising method that can deepen your relationships with congregants and ensure your church’s long-term financial stability. But is planned giving, also often called legacy giving, the […]