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Transformational Small Groups

February 27, 2016 Bill Easum 4 Comments

One of the key elements of most discipleship pipelines I’ve seen is what I call “transformational small groups.” The problem is, when most people hear “small groups,” they think of Bible studies, which is far from what is meant by a transformational small group. Let’s look at the difference.

Most ineffective small groups are primarily focused on fellowship and information. Both of these are good but they are incomplete. Neither one results in effective discipleship or leaders for more small groups. In other words, most small groups are dead ends when it comes to developing the kind of disciples Jesus was talking about when he said, “Go make disciples and teach them to observe all the things I have taught.” The focus of biblical small groups isn’t information. Biblical small groups are about transformation and behavioral modification.

So what are the elements of transformational small groups that result in discipleship, leadership, and multiplication, no matter what we might call them?


Community is an essential element in small groups because forming bonds with a group of other Christians and seekers is essential to spiritual growth. When a group forms a bond, people find a safe place to talk about a dangerous gospel as well as abput their own journey. Community is especially important in larger churches because small groups are one of the primary ways new people find a place where everyone knows their name.

Apprentice or Intern Development

Apprentice and intern mean the same thing – people who are learning a trade from a master. That is one of the primary goals of effective small groups. A good leader knows that one of the ways they will be held accountable is by how many apprentices they raise up who will go and expand the small group system.

Discipleship Development

Some people distinguish between leadership and discipleship training. But that’s too complicated for me. Everyone can be an effective disciple, but not every disciple can be a top-level leader. Still, the training and experience is the same. Both understand that the goal of discipleship is being willing to become like the Master – Jesus. That means biblical disciples reach the point in spiritual maturation they are willing to be sent into actual ministry, both in and out of the four walls of the church. They are willing to respond to the “go” command of Jesus.


The end result of having apprentices in every small group is their preparation for the ministry of multiplication. Small group systems must be constantly multiplying for several reasons:

  • That’s the way the New Testament church grew and that’s the way most effective churches grow today.
  • If groups do not multiply they stagnate and develop into cliques
  • Groups that have been together for a long time usually are not welcoming to new people

But be forewarned. Small groups do not usually multiply by splitting or dividing. Most of the time they multiply by either the apprentice or the leader leaving the group to go form another group. Splitting and dividing are four-letter words to small group leaders.

Equipped to be Sent

Multiplication always results in people going out either beyond the small group or even beyond the church that has nurtured them. Biblical disciples are always willing to go and be sent into different ministries from starting a new small group, to being part of planting a new church, to taking on some outreach ministry of the church.


One of the new twists to many effective small group systems is the addition of monthly mission projects in the surrounding community. The small groups meet in homes three times a month for all of the above and then once a month they go out as a group and minister in some project they have chosen. This is what I call “putting feet” to what they’ve learned and experienced in their small group. It’s one thing to learn and form community; it’s another to put it into practice.

The above are some of the goals of most effective small group systems that lead to both personal and corporate growth.

Question: How do you ensure that your small groups are as effective as they can be? Share your methods in the Comments section below.


    February 28, 2016 REPLY

    2 things if I may:
    1. What’s the difference between fellowship and community?
    2. How on earth do people engage in their group 3X a week if we can’t even get them to come for 2 hrs on Sunday any more? Is this more of a house church model or is it just necessary to meet 3X a week to truly develop community?



    March 2, 2016 REPLY

    I will let Bill reply to the first question. Concerning the second, I think you just caught a typo. I’m confident it should be three times a month, not week.

      March 2, 2016 REPLY

      It ms not house church at all and it is three times a month. High commitment churches are the only ones growing today and their people are in small each week start asking for more commitment from your people

        March 3, 2016 REPLY

        And the difference between fellowship and community from question 1? Thanks!

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