When I wrote If You've Got to Herd Cats, You'll Need a Big Mouse, I wrote about the reality that your church members have no end of "good ideas" about the direction their
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When I wrote If You've Got to Herd Cats, You'll Need a Big Mouse, I wrote about the reality that your church members have no end of "good ideas" about the direction their
What is the one thing a leader needs the most to succeed? If we have the answer to that question, everything else falls into place. So here goes. The thing most needed for
I used to fish a lot. And one of the things I had to learn was to fish where there were fish. That makes sense. But to accomplish that I had to learn
I posted most of this post last year, but the program is so effective i thought I would elaborate on it and share it again. Hey folks, here is a way to raise
Are you a church leader with vision? Are you discouraged by the visions you have put before people that seemed to go unheard? Does it seem like your visions often go unfulfilled? If
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