Every Sunday, thousands of church leaders stand up on their church's platform and begin to speak. Like Jesus who took the scroll of Isaiah, read a passage, and then offered words of explanation,
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Every Sunday, thousands of church leaders stand up on their church's platform and begin to speak. Like Jesus who took the scroll of Isaiah, read a passage, and then offered words of explanation,
Every week, thousands of pastors spend hours and hours creating a sermonic masterpiece that will be heard once by fewer than 60 people. Every week, tens of thousands of Sunday school classes will
We live in a marketing-saturated world. The number of ads you see every single day is up in the thousands now (in the 1970s you would have seen about 500 a day ...
Bill Easum and I are working on an ebook called Church Turnaround. In one section, we talk about getting noticed by the community. Far too many churches that have been in existence for
I had to vacate my house for the night because some remodeling was being done, so I checked into a Holiday Inn. While I was out walking my dogs, one of the biggest mainline
I get to see a lot of church newsletters pretty regularly. Some come by email, some with a stamp, but what they all have in common is that I get them. Since I'm