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June 13, 2015 2 Comments

Reading Spark, by Todd Wilson, filled my eyes with tears. Where was this book when I restarted my church? What a difference it might have made. Folks, this is the first book of 2015

May 6, 2015 0 Comments

If you were asked what you considered to be the greatest tragedy in history, what would you say? Surely some would pick the Holocaust. Others in the U.S. might pick 9/11. Still others

April 8, 2015 0 Comments

How do you structure a church so it just keeps on growing and doesn’t plateau? I believe there are ten essentials you must focus on as you structure your church. 1. You must

March 29, 2015 1 Comment

During my 50 years of ministry (Yes, 50. That's not a typo.), I’ve become convinced that most churches don't put much value on soul. And that saddens me. Why do I say this?

March 1, 2015 2 Comments

When I'm coaching or consulting and make the recommendation that pastors need to spend significant time hanging out wherever it is their targets are hanging out, it tends to raise a host of

August 16, 2014 0 Comments

I live in Missouri, but I'm a Seattle-ite at heart. One of the big cultural differences between the two is their attitude toward recycling. I'm used to looking at every piece of trash