Christmas Eve, the most important time of the year to reach the unchurched (yes, it’s more important than Easter these days), is fast approaching and far too many pastors will be enticed by
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Christmas Eve, the most important time of the year to reach the unchurched (yes, it’s more important than Easter these days), is fast approaching and far too many pastors will be enticed by
This Christmas I was introduced to the Pentatonixs (I know you probably knew about them earlier). What a great singing group, especially in a world where most music is slightly better than noise!
Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely
Christmas is more than just a holiday as some would want to make it. Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus. Those who would like to de-Christianize Christmas are simply