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Leadership Team Field Exercise 1: Spiritual Leadership

By: John Laster

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007)

Leadership teams are too busy “doing,” and rarely spend enough time thinking and sharing with one another about who God has called them to be and how they are functioning together.  Use this Field Exercise as a catalyst for some needed heart level conversation in your team.

Spend some time thinking about the board in your congregation as you reflect on the following questions. Talk about leadership roles and processes in your congregation and how spirituality plays a part in them.

•     What specifically are we asking these leaders to do? Are we looking for decision makers, efficient managers, visionary leaders, opinion leaders, or _______?

•     In what specific ways do we expect our leaders to reflect spiritual maturity?

•     What are the criteria by which we currently select leaders for our congregation?

•     Are these criteria adequate?

•     Given the stated role of our board, what specific criteria should be in place for potential board members?

•     What level of credibility and trust do we require of would-be leaders in our congregation? In what ways might we best discern this credibility in candidates?

•     What spiritual prerequisites are there for a person to be considered for leadership on the board in this congregation?

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