For years as the pastor of a growing congregation I would take time at the end of each year to be quiet and asked God to bring to my mind the significant things
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
For years as the pastor of a growing congregation I would take time at the end of each year to be quiet and asked God to bring to my mind the significant things
If you feel busier now than ever before, and if you wonder if you can keep up this pace much longer, you are not alone. Most of us in ministry feel slightly bewildered,
On July 4th 2022, the United States of America will be 246 years old. In relationship with many other countries like Egypt, China, or Greece, America the republic, this experiment in liberty, is
My father died in a car accident when I was 16 years old and it was one of the most significant moments of my life. I was fortunate to have had my father
Throughout the 30+ years I served in pastoral ministry I have witnessed too many church pastors in America lose their positions of church leadership because of financial or sexual indiscretions coming to the
The word “mentor” is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.” Throughout my over 30 years of pastoral ministry, I have had many trusted teachers who have counseled me, encouraged me,