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March 15, 2010 1 Comment

I’m a big advocate of "one-anothering", perhaps because it was practiced so effectively in the early church. One-anothering is how Christians are called (and expected) to treat each another – at least from

March 12, 2010 1 Comment

Those who read my previous post may have been surprised that I suggested scripture reading may be the most transformative spiritual habit. I’m sure there are those who would argue that prayer offers

March 10, 2010 1 Comment

The first and typically most transformative spiritual habit is, surprisingly, scripture reading. I’m fond of saying “I’m a scientist’s son and a mainliner at heart,” so when I tell church leaders that if

March 8, 2010 4 Comments

Although my book High-Voltage Spirituality is a compendium of forty-eight different spiritual habits (disciplines), in practice I maintain there are five core spiritual habits that provide a foundation for personal maturity and church

February 24, 2010 0 Comments

Everyone leaves a legacy of some kind, either good or bad. But what kind of a good legacy has the most impact on making a difference in the world?  A legacy of "who."

February 21, 2010 0 Comments

[Continued from "Tomorrow's Church Today - Pt. 1." The first half of this post was first published in the Mar-Apr 2010 issue of Net Results magazine.] The technology used in the service would