Too often, churches get staffing wrong. I know in their heart of hearts they believe that by hiring age-graded directors/pastors/associate ministers they're staffing to grow, but in today's culture, especially in our less
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Too often, churches get staffing wrong. I know in their heart of hearts they believe that by hiring age-graded directors/pastors/associate ministers they're staffing to grow, but in today's culture, especially in our less
Every time a leader goes through a church barrier, three changes have to take place in the leader's life: Developing a new skill set Changing his or her value system Changing the way he
I mentioned two things when I spoke one Thursday afternoon in Baltimore: there are only four things that grow a church, and I had never seen a church doing those four things that
If you can learn to delegate and empower others, you can grow a church. Sure, I know … handing off things you think are your responsibilities isn’t easy. In my experience, for most
This brief list was inspired by a blog post by Ben Reed at Once I read it, I thought I'd jot down my own top ten list and I asked Bill Easum