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May 14, 2016 0 Comments

How many church leaders does it take to change a lightbulb? I'm not sure, but in many churches it takes 50 percent or more of the sitting board members to make virtually every

April 18, 2016 2 Comments

“So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12 I’ve long been a proponent of measuring results. I believe if you don't measure the results of

March 26, 2016 0 Comments

I'm a to-do list kind of guy. I'm writing this post on my "day off" and I still have a to-do list that I'm a "slave" to. Today my to-do's are: Write a

March 23, 2016 0 Comments

The vast majority of churches struggle to have a building full of worshipers.  Those who do seem to recognize one thing.  The church always has been and always will be about making disciples.

March 13, 2016 2 Comments

My recent article “Too Many Pastors Are Wasting Their Lives” must have hit some raw nerves. We’ve had over 16,000 hits on the blog post. Most of them were supportive, but some were downright

March 10, 2016 0 Comments

The second step in Jesus' 5 step exponential church growth model is to build relationships (step 1 is to get some attention and increase your first-time visitor count). This is part 2 of