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April 16, 2007 0 Comments

One of the things I've noticed with many people sending emails is they don't sign it with their name.  Now this isn’t a problem if you do no receive many emails a day. 

April 16, 2007 0 Comments

Did you know that there are more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 18 in the U.S.? Did you know that 50% of older Americans have no religious

April 2, 2007 0 Comments

Most Christians learn to pray from two sources. First, those who were raised by Christian parents may have learned from them. Sadly, many Christian parents simply don't have a good handle on prayer

April 2, 2007 0 Comments

Some churches still find Focus Groups helpful in identifying the ministry needs of the market place.  Here is my take on Focus Groups.  The purpose of a focus group is to identify the

March 12, 2007 0 Comments

Mentoring is all about eliciting the hidden potential in others, and challenging their self-perceptions. Many people think that they must first establish a friendship with another person before they can mentor. In fact, establishing a

March 5, 2007 0 Comments

The New Testament model of church growth had little to do with converting individuals or assimilating members. It was all about reaching micro-cultures for Christ. A micro-culture is a definable, describable demographic or