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April 24, 2018 0 Comments

In the years during and immediately after the First World War, over one and a half million Armenians were displaced, deported, tortured and killed at the hands of the “Young Turks” of the

March 19, 2018 1 Comment

The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate I play golf. And there are times

March 12, 2018 0 Comments

In our sports dominated culture I wonder if the people in your church have spent as much time praying for the people around them who don’t know Christ, as they have thinking about

March 7, 2018 0 Comments

With Easter coming, most churches anticipate their largest services of the year. Are your building and grounds ready for double your average attendance? Here are a couple of things to turn your attention

March 2, 2018 0 Comments

Just finished watching the funeral of Billy Graham. It was a simple yet glorious send off that focused on Jesus not Billy. And it reminded me of why so many of our churches

February 20, 2018 2 Comments

I want you to think about the title to this blog post and ask yourself, "What has this to do with religion?” Here are my thoughts. In less than 100 years the U.S.