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July 16, 2018 0 Comments

I forget who first said it but “culture eats strategy every time.” Church culture is the intersection of vision, values, narrative, leaders, and practices that characterize and guide an organization as shown in

July 10, 2018 0 Comments

In this chapter, we take a look at the principles that will turn a flagging mainline church into a multiplication movement. To be fair, this isn't a specific recommendation list ("Start three small

July 9, 2018 0 Comments

Radical Discipleship Let me ask you a question – Do you consider every person in your congregation to be a potential neighborhood missionary? If you do, you’re well on your way to being

July 8, 2018 0 Comments

There are two different ways of dealing with just about everything in life, by faith or in fear. Faith is described in Hebrews 11:1,as being "certain of what we do not see." It

July 1, 2018 0 Comments

The United States of America is 242 years old.  That's a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America

July 1, 2018 11 Comments

Recently I'm running into a lot of writers who are asking the question "If we all serve the same God, why is Christianity growing all over the world except Europe and the U.S.?"