If you have an aversion to large churches, then this article isn’t for you. But if you are open to the possibility that large churches may be better than small churches, then read
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
If you have an aversion to large churches, then this article isn’t for you. But if you are open to the possibility that large churches may be better than small churches, then read
History has shown that long-term pastoral tenures are better than short-term tenures because they produce more effective churches. By long-term we mean 20+ years. Yet the average pastoral tenure is only between
Last weekend, about 15% of Americans were a part of Christian worship. If you are a Christian leader, that should be enough to get you motivated. Many church leaders weren't trained for what
Hey folks, I'm going to be at Exponential West, the largest gathering of church planters in the world, and I'd love to see you there. It's that good, and its not just for
Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A "tiny"
Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church's website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just-right blog post. So I thought I'd share it here. A tiny bit