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October 19, 2015 0 Comments

[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure a bright future for

October 19, 2015 0 Comments

[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure your church's future, you

October 15, 2015 0 Comments

Hey folks, here is a way to raise additional funds at Christmas. Every year we did a program we made up called The Living Christmas Tree. The week of the first Sunday in

October 13, 2015 2 Comments

I believe that one's preaching should always be evolving and adapting to the needs expressed through our culture.  We live in a time when the culture says our preaching is irrelevant.  That can't

September 25, 2015 0 Comments

I became a Methodist because I read John Wesley during one of my desert periods. As a result I decided to join the United Methodist Church.  But over the years I’ve learned that

September 25, 2015 0 Comments

I became a Methodist because I read John Wesley during one of my desert periods. As a result I decided to join the United Methodist Church.  But over the years I’ve learned that