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July 10, 2017 0 Comments

Simon Sinek, the author of Start with Why, teaches that every company knows its "what," a few know its "how," but few operate – or even know – their "why." I'd say the same

July 6, 2017 2 Comments

Nobody will argue that mainline denominations are in decline. It doesn't matter if the decline is 80 percent or 65 percent as suggested by a recent Barna study, mainline denominations are seeing fewer

June 30, 2017 0 Comments

The other day I had an inquiry from a pastor I am coaching. Her question was “You said we need to move our 8:30 contemporary service to 9:45 because it is too early

June 5, 2017 0 Comments

I hear a lot about "epic fails" these days. Typically, that means something has gone very wrong – and ended up on YouTube or Facebook. The truck was too tall for the underpass

April 4, 2017 2 Comments

There are many leadership skills that are important. But there are two skills that overshadow all the rest. If a staff can master these two skills, there is no way a church can

March 29, 2017 6 Comments

Remember when it was all the rage in mainline churches to write and preach about how different it was to try to reach Baby Boomers, then Gen Xers? Now we are faced with