One of those ten commandments is about thievery. The Bible generally frowns on stealing stuff from others. Although neither Israel nor Christians ever condoned cutting off a thieve's hand as punishment, there were
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One of those ten commandments is about thievery. The Bible generally frowns on stealing stuff from others. Although neither Israel nor Christians ever condoned cutting off a thieve's hand as punishment, there were
Do you remember the fight your church had when you added a drum kit to the sanctuary's platform? Well, that's nothing compared to what's coming. Maybe you haven't heard the news: As of
One of the sad realities about being a church consultant is that too often, churches don't realize they're "in trouble" until it hits their bottom line. Their finances. It seems that no one
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Following in the footsteps of his father, in February 1948, at the age of 19, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. entered the Christian ministry and
I don't remember who connected me to Aaron Renn, but somehow I stumbled upon him. Renn works for a New York think tank and is a cultural critic. He also happens to be
Change is difficult. Change in a church is even harder, sometimes, nearly impossible. So what do you do if you are trying to change the culture of a traditional church that is dying? First