Judge Not? Not!!

“You can’t judge me!” It was a church member who was saying that as the pastor gently explained that their unseemly behavior at the previous board meeting had been unacceptable.

“Judge not” has become the rallying cry for tolerating bullies and terrorists in the church because, well, it just doesn’t seem right to “judge” […]

Halloween Outreach

Many churches have taken a stand against any kind of the celebrating Halloween because the darkness the day and night may promote. “Because Halloween can be traced to distinctly pagan sources, it is reasonable that many believers would find some aspects of its celebration disturbing”. According to Focus on the Family’s founder, Dr. James […]

Three Common Contagious Church Viruses: Part 2

“The Church Doctor will see you now.”

“Tell me,” the doctor said, “What seems to be ailing you?”

The church shared her symptoms. Lethargy. Uncontrollable membership loss. And an unmistakeable rumbly in her tumbly.

“It’s most likely one of three common contagious church viruses.”

Capitulation Infection

Capitulation Infection is one of the most contagious and rapidly spreading […]

Reconnecting Missing Members

We hear it at probably 90 percent of the consultations we lead. Some good hearted person asks us if we’re going to make some recommendations on how the church can reconnect and reactivate formerly active church members who have left the church.

No one likes our answer. No one.

“Yes, we’ll be making a […]

Doorway to ??

It happened again. I was visiting a church on a recent Sunday morning and apparently parked in the “wrong” parking lot. You know the one, it looks like it’s near the main entrance, but the main entrance isn’t really the main entrance (because “everyone” knows that “everyone” enters through the side entrance on Third […]

Leap of Faith

One of my favorite movies is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it Harrison Ford’s character is faced with difficult trials in order to regain the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used at his last supper. One of the tests he has to endure is to make a seemingly impossible leap across a […]

Don’t Stop … Thief!

One of those ten commandments is about thievery. The Bible generally frowns on stealing stuff from others. Although neither Israel nor Christians ever condoned cutting off a thieve’s hand as punishment, there were some pretty stiff penalties for thieves.

On the other hand, the writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us:

What has been will be again, […]

When Will You Hip Hop?

Do you remember the fight your church had when you added a drum kit to the sanctuary’s platform?

Well, that’s nothing compared to what’s coming.

Maybe you haven’t heard the news: As of 2019, Hip Hop is the number one selling music genre in the US … it surpassed rock-n-roll rather handily.

So, when will you […]

Too Late Warning Signs

One of the sad realities about being a church consultant is that too often, churches don’t realize they’re “in trouble” until it hits their bottom line.

Their finances.

It seems that no one seems to take too much notice when the congregation begins to age out. There’s an expectation that the older folks will relocate […]