Most small groups I see in churches are a waste of time because most of them are little more than data dumps. They are Bible studies that go nowhere other than gaining more
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Most small groups I see in churches are a waste of time because most of them are little more than data dumps. They are Bible studies that go nowhere other than gaining more
[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure a bright future for
[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure your church's future, you
Hey folks, here is a way to raise additional funds at Christmas. Every year we did a program we made up called The Living Christmas Tree. The week of the first Sunday in
The longer I am in ministry, the more I realize how valuable a coach is to a pastor. Coaching wasn't in vogue when I was pastoring. I wish it were; it would have
I believe that one's preaching should always be evolving and adapting to the needs expressed through our culture. We live in a time when the culture says our preaching is irrelevant. That can't