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February 14, 2016 0 Comments

Ron Johnson is the Senior Pastor of One Church*, a multi-site congregation in Orlando, Florida. For several years he has been planting one church a year, but he recently felt the call to step

February 11, 2016 0 Comments

Every church says they are friendly (hospitable), but that usually is true only among church members themselves.  The experience of the stranger, of the first time visitor, is often very far from a

February 9, 2016 4 Comments

It’s a known fact that it's easier to keep a new visitor than it is to get a new visitor. So why is it that most churches get only a 15% return rate?

February 4, 2016 0 Comments

Recently, I began interviewing folks who were first-time visitors to churches to listen to what they experienced and see what we can learn. A couple weeks ago, I met with a couple who'd

February 4, 2016 53 Comments

One of my coaching clients called me the other day and asked if I'd read an article by Jonathan Aigner about the end of contemporary worship. I confessed I hadn't. This particular coaching

February 4, 2016 0 Comments

In a span of ten years, Brian Bolt has gone from starting one Recovery Home to planting more than 50 churches with 30 plants scheduled to be launched on one day in September