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September 19, 2008 0 Comments

What are the costs of transforming a church? They can be steep ... very steep. I got word this week of a church that  engaged a pastor to help them grow and transform

September 16, 2008 0 Comments

I had a conversation recently with a small group of mainline pastors and the conversation naturally turned to church transformation and church growth. When I asked how they measured whether their churches were

September 13, 2008 0 Comments

It's a rainy and stormy Saturday morning here in Columbia, Missouri. It's Hurricane Ike weekend, so I have nothing to complain about. I'm relatively cool (though humidity sux), I have power, and my

September 11, 2008 0 Comments

Bill Easum and Tony Jones are in the midst of a conversation about the Emergent Church at the Emergent Village website ... it's called a Blogologue. I'm keeping up with it and enjoying

September 9, 2008 0 Comments

I'm in the midst of a fantastic conversation with a pastor of the Reformed persuasion and the topic of targeting worship for particular demographics, micro-cultures, etc. came up. He suggested that some consider

September 6, 2008 0 Comments

This post started off as a response to a comment left by Frank in the Churches That Don't Want To Grow post. He attends a fifty year old church in a fifty year