If you're looking for a full-time worship leader, which is the number one hire after the lead pastor, there is a head hunting group that specializes in this area. Find them at www.slingshotgroup.net
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
If you're looking for a full-time worship leader, which is the number one hire after the lead pastor, there is a head hunting group that specializes in this area. Find them at www.slingshotgroup.net
Yesterday Social Security recipients learned that for the first time in history Social Security recipients will not be getting a cost of living wage increase (COLA). Well, that sucks. And if that was not enough in the
In my latest book, Doing Ministry in Hard Times, I included a chapter on Living in a Wildcard world. I grew up in a wild card world where the probabilities far outweighed the
In difficult times, churches have a tendency to clap shut their shutters, hide their money under mattresses, and delay anything that might be innovative and new - especially if it costs more than
This morning was Pentecost Sunday. As I was setting in worship at a church Im consulting with the pastor read from Acts 2:1-21. Man, that's some text. I found myself saying "Are these people ready to hear this text?
From Bill Easum The normal experience when a church moves from the Fall to the Spring is for income to increase 8% the first year. People have more money in their pockets after