Equipping Tips by Bill Easum 1. Ask yourself “If we are twice as big as we are now, can I keep doing what I’m doing now?” then list the things you are doing
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Equipping Tips by Bill Easum 1. Ask yourself “If we are twice as big as we are now, can I keep doing what I’m doing now?” then list the things you are doing
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Well, you won’t believe this one. Did you know that airlines can not ask about a pilots check ride results because of privacy laws.? The good old ACLU at work again. Did you know
The drum was so loud that I was sure it could be heard several blocks over at a neighboring church. We are an old, established downtown church. The elders of my church were
During my reading for "Leadership On The Other Side", I found only three books that did not define leaders as people who had followers who did what the leader wanted done (I'm sure
Discipleship Teaching or equipping consists of two things - modeling and content. Most people ask me for curriculum for discipling Christians - curriculum = teaching. Even though curriculum is needed, before leaders need curriculum