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November 18, 2009 0 Comments

Acts 1:8. You probably know the passage by heart: "You will be my witnesses from Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Those words were spoken

November 17, 2009 0 Comments

To some, Donald A. McGavran was one of the greatest missiologists in Christian history. To others, his name is almost synonymous with the devil.  Those who malign McGavran have simply misunderstood him. They

November 16, 2009 0 Comments

I began reading seriously about the Missional Church in the 90s with books like God's Missionary People by Charles Van Engen, and The Continuing Conversion of the Church by Darrell Guder. I resonated

November 8, 2009 0 Comments

I sat watching my recorded session of "Meet The Press". I had a tear in my eye. 20 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down and freedom was returned to East Germany. It

October 31, 2009 1 Comment

One of the little-known facts about me is that once upon a time in the Air Force I was in munitions' maintenance and transportation – in other words, I played with bombs. I

October 30, 2009 0 Comments

Christmas has begun. Oh, Advent is still a month away, but every big box store has rolled out the holiday decorations and even mom and pop stores are getting into the act little