For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor.
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor.
In the spring of 1993, Dr. Carver McGriff retired after 26 years as Senior Pastor of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. When he became Senior Pastor in 1967 there were
Five good books for creating a Mission Statement: The Path, by Laurie Beth Jones, New York, NY, Hyperion, 1996Managing By Values, by Ken Blanchard and Michael O'Connor, San Francisco, Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 1997****Building
Worship in a Postmodern Culture Alan Roxburgh compares the lingering Christendom mindset among relevance-challenged clergy to a pleasure ride on the river Seine. Picture, if you will, an ecclesiastical barge filled with graying church
The following was the introduction to one of our online coaching seminars. Reconstructing Ministry Around Paul's Missionary Band By Dan Reeves Click here to enter the forum after April 8. I love the
Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster but have a strange suicidal habit. These little guys have a built-in sense of when