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June 1, 2011 0 Comments

Before I share this list, let me explain the difference between missional small groups and small groups.  Small groups get together to share life around the Scriptures, apprentice new leaders, and form new

May 27, 2011 0 Comments

What caused you to write The Irresistible Church? What was the need? People in America have been polled as being spiritual but not religious. This tells me that they are interested in God but not

May 27, 2011 0 Comments

I was asking a DOM recently about doing a conference in his Association. His response was, “No one comes to training anymore.” The email came at an odd time for me. I had

May 26, 2011 0 Comments

Sometimes we can get so caught up with perpetuating the success of growth and larger congregations that we lose sight of the small things that give the support to be able to sustain

May 25, 2011 0 Comments

"What curriculum should my small group use?” More and more vital churches are answering that question by using sermon-based material. Larry Osborne, pastor at North Coast Church in San Diego, has helped popularize

May 23, 2011 0 Comments

I go to a lot of churches and see a lot of different worship services, both contemporary and traditional. I'm constantly amazed at how many of these services seldom consider the presence of