The pastor had committed a faux pas… that much was clear. The Board met immediately following the service and after a few brief minutes they made their pronouncement. “The pastor may no longer
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
The pastor had committed a faux pas… that much was clear. The Board met immediately following the service and after a few brief minutes they made their pronouncement. “The pastor may no longer
Several years ago, I wrote the following Christmas Eve fantasy account. It was a compilation of some of the Christmas Eve hospitality practices that I’ve experienced in churches I’ve led as well as
I don't tend to do blog posts that say, "Yeah, what he said," but this is a rare exception. Seth Godin writes a business blog that I subscribe to. I started following him when
It's almost the Thanksgiving season. I can tell because the big box stores have become schizophrenic with Halloween Ghouls in one aisle and Christmas Trees and Nativities in the next. As a pastor
The more I work with lead pastors the more I realize how hard it is for them to fire a staff person who isn’t performing, isn't a team player, or is just downright
The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when