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August 20, 2012 0 Comments

Now I realize I didn't publish my thoughts on "Conversations You Can't Ignore" in the right order. Here is Part IV. All three of the movements we've examined the past three days (Emergents,

August 19, 2012 0 Comments

Every effective pastor gets a poison pen letter at least once during their careers. They're never nice to get and they can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Frankly, they can send

August 17, 2012 0 Comments

By now you know I resonate with all of these movements in one way or another, but my heart lies with the Reproductive Movement. So I am happy to know that for the

July 31, 2012 0 Comments

So far we have examined the Emergent and Incarnational Movements. Today we examine the Organic movement. The Organic Movement The Organic movement is a kissing cousin to the Incarnational movement and a distant cousin

July 28, 2012 0 Comments

Payday loans Over the past week we have examined the major church movements underway today – Emergent, Incarnational, Organic, Reproductive, and Sim Card.  You may be asking "Why didn't you mention the "Missional Movement?"

July 19, 2012 0 Comments

Yesterday we examined the Emergent movement and its implications for Western Christianity. I have one more thing to add: over the past year, I have heard little to nothing from this movement. Today