One of the major problems pastors have is either the inability or lack of desire to focus on what’s important. Case in point. Yesterday, a pastor of a 150-member church told me he
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
One of the major problems pastors have is either the inability or lack of desire to focus on what’s important. Case in point. Yesterday, a pastor of a 150-member church told me he
This is an excerpt from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth. One of the key differences between a stuck small church and a growing church (of any size) is found in the
I’m on my way to a Vineyard church in the Northeast. They are bringing me in to help them reconfigure their staff for the growth they are anticipating. Presently they are growing and
The following is an excerpt from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth. One of the consistent messages we hear during onsite consultations is that the church is committed to reach those
In order to connect with the unchurched you have to have three ingredients: a knowledge of God's word, a good relationship with unchurched people, and the ability to make the leap from a world of