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April 16, 2017 0 Comments

Just a quick word at Easter. I was watching the TV tribute to the Bee Gees. And I thought what it must be like to have such a tribute made about you and

April 4, 2017 2 Comments

There are many leadership skills that are important. But there are two skills that overshadow all the rest. If a staff can master these two skills, there is no way a church can

March 29, 2017 6 Comments

Remember when it was all the rage in mainline churches to write and preach about how different it was to try to reach Baby Boomers, then Gen Xers? Now we are faced with

March 29, 2017 10 Comments

I’ve been watching the trend escalate for the past decade. For centuries, it has been the practice of non-mainline groups. But for the last couple of decades its has been a rising factor

March 28, 2017 0 Comments

Why do people resist church so much?  Yes, those who are a part of church need to be concerned with the valid aspects of the critique that religious people are hypocrites and out-of-touch

March 15, 2017 0 Comments

Why do we try to do things on our own in church ministry?  Why do we seem to honor being a Lone Ranger?  Okay, not even the Lone Ranger did things on his