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August 12, 2008 0 Comments

It's said that the average leader spends 80 percent of their time doing little that will further their mission. That means that the important stuff gets short shrift by a bunch. What would

August 12, 2008 0 Comments

It's said that the average leader spends 80 percent of their time doing little that will further their mission. That means that the important stuff gets short shrift by a bunch. What would

August 10, 2008 0 Comments

According to virtually every researcher in the US, the vast majority of churches in North America are declining in both membership and in attendance. However, all over North America, there are exceptions to

August 9, 2008 0 Comments

In December, my new book on Evangelism will be released by Chalice Press. Hitchhiker's Guide to Evangelism takes a peek at the "new" evangelism needed for reaching today's world. Let's face it, if

August 7, 2008 0 Comments

The stats aren't pretty. In fact, they're pretty deplorable. But they're nonetheless accurate. Eighty percent of all Pastoral Size to Program Size church transformations fail - 80 percent. A Pastoral Sized church is

August 4, 2008 0 Comments

Most clergy plan worship for the coming program year in the summer. That usually means anticipating the preaching cycle, focusing themes and preaching series, gathering resources for major celebrations, and delegating responsibilities for