Here are some things I'm seeing and some comments on books I've read all of which point up some leadership tips. Tip One I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Here are some things I'm seeing and some comments on books I've read all of which point up some leadership tips. Tip One I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service
Equipping Tips by Bill Easum 1. Ask yourself “If we are twice as big as we are now, can I keep doing what I’m doing now?” then list the things you are doing
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Well, you won’t believe this one. Did you know that airlines can not ask about a pilots check ride results because of privacy laws.? The good old ACLU at work again. Did you know
The drum was so loud that I was sure it could be heard several blocks over at a neighboring church. We are an old, established downtown church. The elders of my church were
During my reading for "Leadership On The Other Side", I found only three books that did not define leaders as people who had followers who did what the leader wanted done (I'm sure
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