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July 22, 2010 0 Comments

I’ve lived through a number of seismic shifts the last twenty years.  These shifts have changed the way I think and consult and I’m watching how they have affected effective pastors. Those who

July 21, 2010 0 Comments

1. We ask this question of everyone, and the (diversity) in the answers (is) wonderful - how would you define the "postmodern movement?" I define the postmodern movement by what it has caused

July 20, 2010 0 Comments

Unless you're a church leader in a very large church, you're probably aware that your congregation has limited resources (and in today's economy, even large churches are struggling with decreasing resources). During those

July 12, 2010 0 Comments

Grace UMC is located in South Central Pennsylvania about 60 miles north of Baltimore,Md. The community of Hanover is growing about 7-8% annually.  Overall population of the community within 10 miles of Grace Church

July 12, 2010 0 Comments

The Internet has given Christian churches and ministries a brand new opportunity to communicate the gospel in a new, worldwide society.  Distance in time and physical space is not a major obstacle anymore.

July 12, 2010 0 Comments

I was privileged to visit Northpoint's new Browns Bridge Campus a few months back. This is an amazing story--brand new 3,000 seat auditorium filled twice on Sunday morning. How do they do that?