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August 18, 2010 0 Comments

Coaching is on the rise. I'm currently coaching 23 pastors in taking their churches to the next level.  A couple are trying to break the 200-in-worship barrier; two or three are trying to break

August 16, 2010 0 Comments

One of my most common ongoing battles with congregational leaders I work with is the effective use of emails/Facebook messages, etc. The age of less-is-more, microwaves, and 140-character communication hasn't just arrived; it's

August 11, 2010 0 Comments

Over the years I have taught that it is more important to have a "to be" list than a "to do" list. A "to be" list is a list of people you are

August 10, 2010 0 Comments

More and more church leaders are reporting to me that they are having conflicts between sports schedules and their church's schedule. This has been a growing problem since the 1980s. I just recently received an

August 9, 2010 0 Comments

Take the next couple of minutes and peruse your investment portfolio. How are things going? Is your stock going up or down, or is it stagnant? In your whole portfolio, which is the

August 5, 2010 0 Comments

My tribe just conducted a survey of 36,000 United Methodist Churches (UMCs) only to find what many of us have been teaching for over two decades. Here is a quote from the report